+91 9048880502 info@uniquehealth365.com #

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    Our Consultation Process


    Evaluation of root cause of health problem for lasting cure.

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    Diagnosis of the health problem according to ICD 10 Classification and lab reports.

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    A customized treatment planfor holistic well being.


    Meet Our Specialists

    All our support staff are exceptionally skilled and trained to assist you with all medical enquiries.


    Inspiring Stories !

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    I came with left sided paralysis of both left hand and leg. I used to drag it but now I can take proper step. I used to climb one time stairs, now 8 to 10 times. Good sleep and hunger all these changes within one month so m expecting more with them for any disease.

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    Mohan sangal

    Post Master
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    I ,Ms. shailaja was suffering from Dpression past 8 years. I was having mood upset, irritability and used to behave impatiently. I came to know about unique homeopathy and took treatment past 1 year, now m feeling better and confidently leading my life. UH gives best treatment, I m happy after coming here.

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    I really appreciate the treatment given by Dr.Anaswara, I got cured in a very short time which in return has build up my confidence in Unique Homeopathy and its results. My sincere thanks to my doctors.

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    Shaik sadique

    Software Developer
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    I m an IT person had complaint with kidney stone which was supposed to do operation to remove it. luckily I came to know about these doctors and after treatment my stone problem completely relived. Thanks for saving me from operation

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    Came here for Infertility treatment with irregular periods for 3 years and Pcod. Got conceived after treatment. M so happy that doctor changed my future

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    I was suffered by Thyroid problem with itching whole body since from three years. I went to so many hospitals but no use.then I came to know here. Now I can say happily about this Unique Homeopathy. It cures any problem related to thyroid

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    House Wife
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    As I was suffering from migraine past many years I went to many doctors but I was feeling well then came to know about this clinic. After consulting here within few months I got permanent result. I m very much happy by taking treatment here. Thanks a lot Dr.Anaswara dev

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    Riya Sinha

    House Wife
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    Since I was suffering from allergic complaints like sneezing which disturbed my job , I had come to Unique Homeopathy. Its almost 1 half years since I started the treatment.Today all my allergy and related problems looks solved .thanks so much “unique”. I thank Dr.Anaswara for what I m today.Thanks

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    Prathinja Rao

    IT Employee
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    Over last one year, the progress has taken very good and results are great. Acne have receded and my skin is good from medication which previously not happened with any where else in the past. Doctors have been wonderful

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    IT Employee
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    I m very happy to say that after taking Homeopathy medicine after few months, there is no any symptom of allergy.I think its completely cured. This is for your kind information

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