Study – A Quasi experimental study on the efficacy of Homeopathic Anti Psoric Medicines in Pychiatric cases
Principal Investigator
Dr. Anaswaradev. A
Dr. Alex Joseph – Associate Professor, School of Public Health, SRMIST, Kattankulathur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
Research Coordinator:
Dr. Anupama Dev. A
Dr. Shreejith. S. O
Research Advisor & Reviewer:
Dr. Radha Nemath, (Retd.) Advisor of Homoeopathy, Ministry of Health, Government of India.
18th February 2019
Received the certificate from principal Dr. Shiva Prasad, Fr. Muller’s Homoeo Hospital, Mangalore along with the HOD Dept Head.
Principal Investigator
The selection was made by multidisciplinary experts from Amrutha Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi, Kerala.
Evaluation of root cause of health problem for lasting cure.
Diagnosis of the health problem according to ICD 10 Classification and lab reports.
A customized treatment planfor holistic well being.