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Nutrition and Diet

In nutrition, diet is the sum of food consumed by a person or other organism. Dietary habits are the habitual decisions an individual or culture makes when choosing what foods to eat. The word diet often implies the use of specific intake of nutrition for health or weight management reasons (with the two often being related). Proper nutrition requires ingestion and absorption of vitamins, minerals, and food energy in the  form of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Dietary habits and choices play a significant role in  the quality of life, health and longevity. It can define cultures and play a role in religion. Dietary intake For Infants, Children, Youngsters, Adults and in Pregnancy. Remember, it is just the average amount that people should try. Naturally, newborns and infants have little control over what they eat, and their parents are  responsible for selecting and providing any source of nourishment they receive Infant Food Women who follow a healthy diet before pregnancy may only need to make some basic  changes and those who  do not follow  should start making healthy changes before becoming pregnant to give birth to a healthy, thriving baby.Foodchart Sometimes requires Vitamin or Mineral supplements especially Iron, Calcium, Folate and for some women Vitamin D.  Generally, sodium should be restricted to avoid developing high blood pressure .Pregnancy Chart DIET IN HOMEOPATHY Various interactions and experiments on the patient pool have lead us to the conclusion that it  is not necessary to remove every article of medicinal nature from the patients diet. Only those  items should be restricted to which the patient’s body is not accustomed. If a person is using  a particular item for continued period of time, we generally do not restrict it but if the use is  occasional or of recent origin it’s advisable to avoid it. We restrict certain dietary substances if  there is a direct bearing with the disease condition- like restricting oxalate rich food in cases of  Renal calculi and Gout, cold and sour things in cases of recurring cold, Bronchitis and Asthma etc. There are no hard and fast rules but our dietary suggestions may vary from person to person.  At the start of treatment a dietary chart is provided to the patient for the betterment of their  health. The older Indian concept and to a much larger extent Ayurveda classifies food into 3 basic categories: SATVA or LIGHT FOOD: such as fresh vegetables, rice, milk, butter, honey, fruits, nuts when eaten  in right quantity will balance all three dishes, bring mental harmony and evoke conscious  awareness. RAJAS or RICH FOOD: such as garlic, coffee, and wine, fried food, too spicy or too hot will stimulate  fantasy, jealousy, and ego. Although these emotions may appear as negative aspects, some of  these emotions are needed to lead a normal life. Rajasic food should be included in the diet with modesty. TAMAS or DULL/SLUGGISH: food list contain frozen food, certain root vegetables, peanut, left- over and meats that may need more energy to digest. Such food may enhance emotions like  ignorance, greed and laziness. This food category must be included in the diet with caution. NUTRITIONAL NEEDS OF ADOLESCENTS Phenomenal growth occurs in adolescence which demands more energy and nutrients. Nutrition and Physical growth are integrally related. Deficiency in teens leads to delayed sexual maturation, arrest or slow linear growth. During puberty the girl’s nutrition need increases sharply. During the peak velocity of growth the nutritional requirement doubles as there is a spurt in linear growth. Deficiency in adults leads to diet related chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and osteoporosis. BALANCED DIET SHOULD CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING. CARBOHYDRATE PROTEINS FAT VITAMINS AND MINERALS TRACE ELEMENTS OPTIMUM WATER SUFFICIENT FIBER SALT CARBOHYDRATE REQUIREMENT-It is  required for Energy. 130 grams so as to supply 2000 to 2500 k.cl of energy. SOURCE– Cereals, roots and fruits. DIGESTION– Starts in the mouth. Proper mastication is essential. Alkaline digestion-Ptyalin DEFICIENCY– Delayed puberty and growth retardation PROTEIN REQUIREMENT-Required to maintain the existing lean body mass and accrual of additional lean body mass during the adolescent growth spurt. 40 to 45 grams per day or 1 gram per kilo gram body weight. SOURCE – 1. Animal sources- milk, meat, eggs etc. 2. Vegetable sources- legumes and nuts. DIGESTION – Starts in the stomach –Acid Peptone digestion. Acid digestion in stomach and alkaline digestion in the small intestine . DEFICIENCY – Inadequate linear Growth, delay in sexual maturation &reduced accumulation of lean body mass FAT REQUIREMENT –Required for normal growth, energy and development of body. 2.10 to 12 grams of fat is the daily requirement.3. 10 % of the energy requirement is met by fat. SOURCE – Oils and animal fat. DIGESTION – Starts in mouth but mainly in small intestine. Excessive intake of carbohydrate will be converted to fat and deposited in the body. DEFICIENCY – Deficiency of one or more of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. And it affects Skin, Cognition & Vision. VITAMINS Two types –  WATER SOLUBLE AND FAT SOLUBLE (a) WATER SOLUBLE VITAMINS Vitamin B1 –  Thiamin –Helps with the energy production in the body Source- Whole grains, liver, dried beans, nuts and seeds. Vitamin B2 – Riboflavin – Helps the body to use other B vitamins. Source- Soya beans, meat & poultry, liver and eggs, Mushrooms, milk, cheese, yogurt, whole grains. Vitamin B3 –  Niacin – Helps the body to use carbohydrate, protein and fat to make energy. Helps the enzymes to work properly in the body. Source- Mushrooms, peanut, butter meat, fish, poultry and whole grains. Biotin –  Allows your body to use carbohydrate, protein and fat from the food Milk, yogurt, peanuts, almonds, egg sliver, soya protein. Vitamin B6 – Pyridoxine – Helps your body to make and use protein and glycogen which is the stored energy in your muscles and liver. Helps to form hemoglobin which carries oxygen in the blood. Vitamin B12 –  Cobalamin Cyanocobalamin Methyl cobalamin Works with the vitamin folic acid to make DNA. Helps to make healthy blood cells and keeps nerves working properly. . Deficiency will lead to

Life Style Management

Always prevention is better than cure. We can prevent many diseases & can make your body perfect by following few simple steps  Brush teeth Good oil bath Comb hair Trim nails Regular open air exercises Neat cloths Organic & fresh Vegetables and fruits  8 glasses of clean water daily Hygienic ambiance especially wash room and kitchen And lastly a contented & happy mindset Proper management of life style definitely improves the quality of life. Proper exercise, proper breathing and proper thinking is also essential for keeping positive health. The retrograde steps taken in the name of style and comfort has already taken the toll in the form of poor physical and mental health. Rise & Shine To start with, ”early to bed and early to rise” was an old dictum, which has been completely forgotten by the present generation. Nowadays people go to bed as late as possible and get up as late as possible. This has to be changed. Nature intended man to work for 8 hours when the sun shines, take rest and recreation for 8 hours and sound sleep for 8 hours at night. This time schedule of working, resting and sleeping is essential for harmonization of circadian rhythm. Cleansing teeth Naturally available materials can do better for cleaning teeth instead of modern tooth paste available in the market. A soft brush should be used properly to clean the teeth, flossing to clean the inter space of teeth and gum massage has to be done properly. Bathing An early morning bath is highly recommended for physical and mental conditioning. Whole body oil bath with self massage at least twice a week or preferably on alternate days or daily at home. A good scrubbing is recommended. Better if you do dry brushing to shed off dead cells before water bath. Make sure to scrub off dirt from toes and heels. Environmental Hygiene Its as important as your personal hygiene because it plays an important factor to prevent spread of disease. Food Non irritating nutritious vegetarian food rich in fiber, in moderation is recommended. Brown rice with bran is better than white rice. Wheat is also good. Non – vegetarian food is not essential for keeping us healthy. The biggest and strongest animal on the face of the earth is elephant, which is a strict vegetarian. Some kind of fruits should be included in the daily menu. Always chew thoroughly as first step of digestion starts in the mouth. Breaking down of carbohydrates happens in mouth by Salivary Amylase enzyme present in saliva. Never drink water while having food as it will dilute enzymes for proper digestion. You can have it before or after food with at least  1o minutes gap. Exercise A must for your physical and mental fitness. Simple walking or jogging can do well if you don’t have time for other exercises. Thinking Always think positive and quality productive thoughts. keep no revenge to anyone as it will do more harm to your mind and body than the person whom you have revenge. Live like you have only few days of life, by enjoying each & every minute. Do your responsibilities, enjoy music or any hobbies you have and always keep time with your family and friends to talk with. Before going bed just keep sometime to think how you can make next day better than today. Sleep Sleeping in the pitch darkness is essential for the feel – good hormones like Serotonin and Melatonin to secrete. Now take few deep breath and think only good because while you are about to sleep, whatever you think will go to subconscious mind. Solve that day problems before sleep so that you will get good undisturbed sleep which is essential for health and longevity.