+91 9778458977 uniquehealth365@gmail.com #

Contact Info

  • Unique Health, #39/334, 3rd Floor, Rambal Yuteeka Building, Metro Pillar No. 1021, Opp Varma Hospital, North Fort Gate Thripunithura, Ernakulam 682301, Kerala.
  • Mon - Fri: 9.00am - 11.00pm
  • +91 9778458977
  • uniquehealth365@gmail.com

Dr. Lynn Mikel

Introducing my self. ND MSc Psychology, Author: Alchemy of Modern Medicine  Experience: 22 years as Naturopath, Psychologist, Homeopath Activities: Naturopathy, thermography, botanical nutritive therapies, breast health specialist, Homoeopathy, neuro modulation techniques, Emotional coding, psycho spiritual counseling. Areas of Expertise: Psychiatric disorders, allergies, Breast cancer related issues etc  

Dr. Nabeela Firdous Shaikh

Introducing my self. Reg No: A 10938, The Karnataka Board of Homoeopathic  System of Medicines. Membership Number: 513810 – The British Psychological Society. BHMS – Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore- Karnataka. MSc. Psychology –  Dravidian University, Andhra Pradesh. Yale University – Introduction to Psychology from Coursera by Paul Bloom Yale University – Managing Emotions in Times of Uncertainty and stress by Dr Marc Brackett. Experience: 12+ years in the medical field (Homeopath, Psychologist) Languages known: English, Kannada, Hindi, Urdu and Marathi. Areas of expertise: Inferitility, Skin disorders, Autism, ADHD and Psychological disorders.